UNM Foundation’s 5th Edition of Abhivyakti

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UNM Foundation’s 5th Edition of Abhivyakti. Day 1 kick starts with Folk Sufi Fusion Performance by Hardik Dave. 50 Visual Art Stories displayed in their most authentic and unadulterated form.

 Day 1 of the fifth edition of Abhivyakti – The City Arts Project of Torrent Group’s UNM Foundation started with large number of art lovers of all age groups and people across all social strata witnessed the folk fusion performance and visual art installations at the Upasana School of Performing Arts, Gujarat University Campus. 

Hardik Dave a renowned name in the Music industry gave a mesmerizing opening performance at the audience-packed amphitheater. Iktara the brain child of Hardik’s folk fusion band of 12 artists performed a creation “Sam” on theinaugural day. Known for blending and amalgamating traditional music style with different music disciplines from across the globe, he conveyed the significance of life’s balance by narrating the odyssey of a Khoji through the medium of Eastern folk music. Through this performance, he emphasized that the quest of self-discovery need not involve venturing into the wilderness. Instead one can embark on this inner journey while leading an ordinary life and maintaining a harmonious balance with it.

Before the opening musical performance started the art lovers were seen enjoying original and most authentic Visual Arts displayed at the Festival. 50 talented artists have showcased 50 different thought provoking installations. These creations put up across the Festival Venue are majorly divided based on their themes viz. Installation, Fabric Installations, Paintings, Photography, Print Making, Sculpture and Video Arts. Dhara Dave Vyas whoseknowledge of art theory and curiosity for understanding lives, stories, and narratives has broadened her perspective has been associated as a Curator for the Visual Arts section.

Visual Arts Installation “You Are The Reflection- A Story of Mind’s Reflection” by Ami Patel anMFA Graduate of Sir JJ School of Artexplores diverse perspectives with installations using reflections, much like the human mind’s varied perceptions. Through an interplay of materials, her art invites viewers to immerse, interpret, and create their unique perceptions, embodying a reverence for universal energy and the boundless essence of existence.

In his installation “Diminishing footprint of Dehing Patkai” – Thomas Changmai delves into the profound power of understanding fundamental geometric formations, both consciously and subconsciously. Through his artistic endeavors, he skillfully combines the realms of contemporary science and visual art with the wisdom of ancient customs and rituals. His work emphasizes that his culture’s roots span thousands of years, while simultaneously conveying the modern spirit of his heritage.

Alka Karandikar crafts quilts in her installation “Landscape – Through My Lens” that transcend mere functionality. She weaves captivating tapestries using diverse fabrics and intricate quilting techniques, incorporating unique elements like paint and metal. Her quilts not only showcase beauty but also convey powerful narratives and address societal issues, making each stitch a meaningful expression of creativity.

Niyati Patel delves into the complexities of the human psyche, revealing our dual nature in her installation ‘Find Yourself’. The inner layer portrays our memories, desires, fears, and personality traits, while the outer layer reflects our interaction with our environment. The true “self” lies hidden beneath these layers, often obscured by our surface reflections. Her 15-foot-tall installation invites viewers to physically engage with these layers, prompting self-discovery by encouraging a deeper understanding of the interplay between order and chaos.

In the installation “Silence in the storm”, visual artist Narayan Patel seeks to create a deep bond with the elements of nature—Earth, Fire, Wind, Sky, and Water. To him, life transcends mere respiration; it pulsates with manifested energy and a spectrum of emotions. Immersed in forests and wilderness, he finds inspiration in the perpetual, enigmatic light, the balance of masculine and feminine (ARDHNARESHWAR), and enduring moments of awe. His work boldly and dynamically represents the boundless symbolism and vibrant vitality of existence.

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