PayMe India Appoints Two Senior Leaders to Spearhead its Loan Operations and Strategic Alliances 

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PayMe India Appoints Two Senior Leaders to Spearhead its Loan Operations and Strategic Alliances.

PayMe India, an RBI registered FinTech organization that offers short-term financial support to salaried employees, has appointed Nitin Sharma as Head of Loan Operations and Harish Dhadhich as Vice President – Strategic Alliance. Together, they will be working with PayMe India’s founder and CEO Mahesh Shukla, with an aim to achieve tenfold growth in the upcoming financial year. 

Nitin Sharma comes with over a decade of experience in managing operations, credit and collections for companies like Canon, Home Credit, Medbay India, and RXCS. In his previous roles Nitin has successfully managed large teams. He comes with the experience of working on operating infrastructures, LOS, LMS. He has also designed operations, underwriting, collections strategy and compliant contact policies for his previous organisations. In his new role, Nitin will supervise the loan operations team and will be responsible in scaling the loan disbursement infrastructure, to ensure PayMe India’s vision of promoting financial inclusion in the country. 

Harish Dhadich joins PayMe India, with close to two decades of experience in the banking and payments industry. He has previously worked with the organisations like American Express, Pine Labs, PayU Payments and Paytm. In his various roles he has successfully driven product adaptability in the market and scaled the business through strategic partnerships. With his long experience in the industry, Harish will be instrumental in building and managing partnerships for developing business of PayMe India. 

Mahesh Shukla, Founder and CEO, PayMe India, said, “We are delighted to welcome Nitin and Harish on-board. Both of them are seasoned professionals of the fintech industry, and their addition to our management team will ensure further progress of PayMe India. With this appointment we look forward to bring PayMe India to greater heights and aim to achieve our vision of spreading “Financial Happiness” in the country.” 

Nitin Sharma, Head of Loan Operations, PayMe India, said, “The outbreak of pandemic and its consequences on the small businesses has surged the demand for credit amongst people.  PayMe India is solving this challenge by its latest digital lending solutions and helping millions of users with easy and quick small lending. I aim to help PayMe India expand its reach to a wider market of India from urban to the rural cities.”   

PayMe India is dedicated to the mission of becoming the preferred choice of financial services, by providing moderate-priced, and transparent financial products approachable to everyone in society.  

Harish Dhadhich, Vice President – Strategic Alliances at PayMe India, PayMe India, said, “I am honoured to join PayMe India which is financially empowering the youth and  businesses with small credit and investment solutions. Building significant new alliances and a large pool of partners will help PayMe India to spearhead the offerings and promote financial inclusion in the country.”

At present, PayMe India has a loanbook size of 45 crores and plans to grow it to 200 crores (or 5-7x) by end of 2023. The company also plans to expand its roots from 30 cities to 300 cities by this year.  

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