GJEPC organises the first ever export-oriented show exclusively for International Buyers

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500+ International buyers from 56 countries participate at the first ever International Gem & Jewellery Show

witnessed like never before, is going to stay as a new way of doing business.”

“Today with USD35 billion exports of gem and jewellery annually, India is one of the largest exporters in the world, and caters to top markets like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, China, the Middle East, Russia, and other countries. The GJEPC has been instrumental in increasing our exports in the Gem and Jewellery sector, over the past few decades, and it has continued to do so, especially during the pandemic by organising various virtual initiatives, which has helped the industry to recover exports to the COVID levels in the last few months.

Suresh Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry said, “The disruptions caused by COVID pandemic posed a serious challenge to the exporters of this sector. However, the industry remained resilient and has been gradually improving to move towards the path of recovery.

I’m happy to note that the gems and jewellery exports from the country are back to pre COVID levels in the last quarter. We acknowledge the contribution of the members of the industry and the Export Promotion Council in emerging fairly unscathed to this unprecedented crisis.”

Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, “I believe that India becoming ‘jeweller to the world’ is not just a goal but our destiny; better still, it’s a fait accompli that is slowly but surely being propelled by initiatives such as the e-IGJS virtual exhibition. The  show is a testimony of  India’s manufacturing prowess in Gems & Jewellery to the global audience.”

Vipul Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC said, “e-IGJS is open to international buyers only. The show is curated basis the product needs of each region/market. The manufacturers are handpicked capable of meeting high global standards.

India has been supplying quality gems and jewellery over the years. The pandemic has forced us to remain physically distant but stay connected in unique ways – like this virtual show.”

Dilip Shah, Convener, International Exhibition, GJEPC noted, “e-IGJS will showcase the best gems and jewellery by India’s select manufacturers. Over 500 international buyers from 50+ countries have confirmed their participation. With the help of top-grade technology, we have seamlessly integrated the physical aspects of the show on to a virtual platform.”  

Over 500 International buyers are participating at the show from 56 Countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brasil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Minsk(Belarus) , Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, UK, Ukraine, USA and Venezuela.

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